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Parent Workshops to Support Learning

'Parents receive helpful information to allow them to support learning at home. This offer includes opportunities to 'Stay and Play' in Nursery and Reception.  Parents also attend early reading and mathematics workshops and lessons, working alongside their children.'  (OFSTED 2024)

We regularly hold workshops for parents to explain how we do things in school and show how parents can further support learning at home.  Here are presentations from  some of the workshops we have done recently.  

What is happening this term? 

Autumn Term 2024  Parent Workshops

Here are some of the presentations from workshops that we have held so far this year:

Oracy - the importance of oracy, how it is taught  in school and ways to support your child

Maths Home Learning - our new maths home learning menu

Healthy Minds - Screen Time Policy

Reading in Reception

Reception Home Learning Explained

Supporting Children in Handwriting

Supporting Spelling 

Reading in Nursey

2023/2024 Workshop Presentations

2022/2023 Workshop Presentations

 Year 1 Start of Year Meeting

Year 2 Start of Year Meeting

Year 3 Start of Year Meeting

Year 4 Start of Year Meeting

Year 5 Start of Year Meeting

Year 6 Start of Year Meeting

Promoting Books and Reading in Key Stage 1 

Reading and Phonics in Reception

Times Tables Rock Stars  In Year 3 and Year 4

Mathletics and WinBooks in Year 1

Key Stage 2 Residentials

Speech and Language Support

Handwriting and Spelling in Key Stage 1

Gorsefield Residential Information for Parents

Read Write Inc Phonics and Reading in Reception

Y5 and Y6 Residential to Marchants Hill - Information for Parents

Y2 SATs Information Meeting for Parents

Y6 SATs Information Meeting for Parents

Growing Up with Developmental Language Disorder

Multiplication Times Tables Check for Y4 - How parents can help

Y2 Learning about Body Parts Meeting

Y4 Learning about Menstruation Meeting

Y5 Learning about Puberty Meeting

Y6 Learning about Conception Meeting 

2021/2022 Workshop PresentationsPhonics and Read, Write Inc. in Key Stage 1

Promoting Books and Reading in Key Stage 1

Maths Calculation Methods in Year 4

Reading, Writing, Handwriting and Spelling in Reception

Help Your Child to Read with Phonics

Maths Calculations in Year 1

Maths Calculation Methods in Year 2

Reading and Writing in Nursery

Spelling and Handwriting in Key Stage One

Spelling at Home Support Booklet 

Supporting Children in Handwriting - Support Booklet for Parents

Sharing Stories to Support Spoken Language (Special Educational Needs Focus)

Maths in Nursery Using Loose Parts

Year 6 Tests (SATS) - what will happen? - Information for Parents

Y3/4 Residential to Gorsefield - Information for Parents 

Y6 Residential to Bawdsey Manor - Information for Parents

Y1 Phonics Screening Meeting - Information for Parents

Healthy Eating and Oral Hygiene Meeting for Early Years Parents 

Y5 Residential to the Isle of Wight - Information for Parents

Teaching Body Parts in Y2 - Information for Parents

Teaching Girls about Menstruation in Y4 - Information for Parents

Teaching Puberty in Y5 - Information for Parents

Teaching Conception in Y6 - Information for Parents

Starting Nursery

Moving to Reception