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our religious Education Curriculum

Article 14: Every child has the right to think and believe what they want and to practice their religion, as long as they are not stopping other people from enjoying their rights.

Article 20: If a child cannot be looked after by their family, governments must make sure they are looked after properly by people who respect the child’s religion, culture and language.

Article 30: Every child has the right to learn and use language, customs and religion of their family, regardless of whether these are shared by the majority of people in the country where they live.

Religious Education is taught in addition to the National Curriculum in line with recommendations laid down by the Department of Education and the Local Authority. 

At Globe we teach the subject through the exploration of 'big questions'. Teaching in this way helps children to compare and consider everybody and think critically, ultimately leading to greater understanding and respect. 

There is a balance in RE between learning about Religions, ie facts, artefacts, specific details and common themes across Religions, to learning from religion, ie thoughts, perceptions, analysing facts and looking at the meaning of stories and events. We encourage our children to be critical thinkers.

We also make it clear to children that not everyone has a religion and that not everyone believes in a God. We in no way promote any particular religion. We celebrate various festivals and their traditions. At Christmas we have a Christmas performance with a traditional nativity and Christmas songs. 

Our curriculum is based on the Tower Hamlets SACRE Agreed Syllabus, a summary of which you can access here.

Our goal is for our children to become religiously literate, therefore they must have:  

Early Years - Nursery & Reception Curriculum 

Early Years Foundation Stage - what does Science look like in the Early Years?

In the Early Years Foundation Stage, religious education forms part of the learning children acquire under the ‘Knowledge and Understanding of the World' branch of the Foundation Stage curriculum. 

The document below outlines in more detail the specific religious education objectives within the Early Years curriculum, what it looks like in practice, and demonstrates the links between the Early Years and the KS1 RE curriculum.  It also highlights key vocabulary that is explicitly taught within our Early Years and at Key Stage 1.

Early Years to Key Stage 1 RE Curriculum Links

Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 Curriculum

Fundamental Foundations 

We believe that for children to secure greater depth, it is important that they first have solid fundamental foundations. Fundamental foundations should not be rushed and so the notion of ‘rapid progress’ must be dismissed. Instead the goal of repetition should be seen as both useful and necessary. This is why you will see us returning regularly to Religious Education knowledge and concepts.  

Cognitive Domains - Degrees of Understanding

We refer to three degrees of understanding and thinking ‘Basic’, ‘Advancing’ and ‘Deep’.  

BASIC – Low level cognitive demand. Involves acquisition of fundamental foundations.  

ADVANCING – Higher level cognitive demands beyond recall. Requires application involving some degree of decision making in how to apply fundamental foundations.  

DEEP – Cognitive demand involves non-standard, non-routine, inter-connected, multi-step thinking in problems with more than one possible solution. Requires reasoning and justification for the inventive application of fundamental foundations.  

Time scales for progression through the cognitive domains -

Milestone 1 – Y1 & Y2 

Milestone 2 – Y3 & Y4 

Milestone 3 – Y5 & Y6  

Each milestone should be seen as containing two phases. In the first phase, pupils should repeat the content a sufficient number of times to secure fundamental foundations; in the second phase, they should apply the foundations in order to reach the ‘expected’ standard. If they reach this before the end of the second phase, they should move on to tasks that will secure greater depth. Thus, progress through the cognitive domains take two years.  

It is expected that by the end of Year 1, pupils should be able to complete the BASIC tasks to secure fundamental foundations and by the end of Year 2, the ADVANCING tasks. It is also reasonable that a number of children may move on to the DEEP activities if they secure an early understanding of advancing.  

Milestone 3 

Y1 & Y2

Milestone 2 

Y3 & Y4

Milestone 3 

Y5 & Y6



















We believe that it is therefore extremely important to secure the fundamental foundations before trying to secure greater depth.  

Curriculum Breadth, Depth &  Progression Principles 

We have carefully planned our curriculum to ensure progression as well as breadth and depth. These are the principles we have adhered to: 

Building a Religious Education Schema at Globe 

Our pupils will form a RE schema* by: 

*Schema – Schema theory states that all knowledge is organised into units. A schema, therefore, is a conceptual system for understanding knowledge. A subject schema is a way of organising knowledge in a meaningful way; it is an appreciation of how facts are connected and they ways in which they are connected. A schema is distinct from information, which is just isolated facts that have no organisational basis or links.  

Threshold Concepts – The Big Ideas

We teach teach these three threshold concepts throughout KS1 and KS2. These are the big ideas that underpin the subject. The three threshold concepts are: 

Believing - Learning about religious beliefs, teaching, and sources

Expressing - Learning abut religious and spiritual forms of expression

Living - Learning about religious and non religious ways of living, and about values and commitments

The Big Ideas 

Disciplinary Knowledge 

Milestone 1  

Milestone 2 

Milestone 3 


Learning about religious beliefs, teaching, and sources

-Describe some of the teachings of a religion 

-Describe some of the main festivals or celebrations of a religion 

-Name some religious symbols 

-Explain the meaning of some religious symbols 

• Present the key teachings and beliefs of a religion. 

• Refer to religious figures and holy books to explain answers. 

• Identify religious symbolism in literature and the arts. 


• Explain how some teachings and beliefs are shared between religions. 

• Explain how religious beliefs shape the lives of individuals and communities. 

• Explain some of the different ways that individuals show their beliefs. 



Learning abut religious and spiritual forms of expression

-Recognise, name and describe some religious artefacts, places and practices  

• Identify religious artefacts and explain how and why they are used. 

• Describe religious buildings and explain how they are used. 

• Explain some of the religious practices of both clerics and individuals. 

• Explain the practices and lifestyles involved in belonging to a faith community. 

• Compare and contrast the lifestyles of different faith groups and give reasons why some within the same faith may adopt different lifestyles. 

• Show an understanding of the role of a spiritual leader. 


Learning about religious and non religious ways of living, and about values and commitments. 

-Identify the things that are important in their own lives and compare these to religious beliefs 

-Relate emotions to some of the experiences of religious figures studied 

-Ask questions about puzzling aspects of life 

Identify how they have to make their own choices in life. 

• Explain how actions affect others. 

• Show an understanding of the term ‘morals’. 

• Show an understanding that personal experiences and feelings influence attitudes and actions.  

• Give some reasons why religious figures may have acted as they did. 

• Ask questions that have no universally agreed answers. 

 Explain how beliefs about right and wrong affect people’s behaviour.  

• Describe how some of the values held by communities or individuals affect behaviour and actions.  

• Discuss and give opinions on stories involving moral dilemmas. 

• Recognise and express feelings about their own identities. Relate these to religious beliefs or teachings. 

• Explain their own ideas about the answers to ultimate questions.  

• Explain why their own answers to ultimate questions may differ from those of others. 

Explain why different religious communities or individuals may have a different view of what is right and wrong. 

• Show an awareness of morals and right and wrong beyond rules (i.e. wanting to act in a certain way despite rules). 

• Express their own values and remain respectful of those with different values. 

Curriculum Content and End of Key Stage Expectations 

Breadth of Study

Key Stage 1 

Key Stage 2 

  • Study the main stories of Christianity. 
  • Study at least one other religion. Choose from Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism or Sikhism. 
  • Study other religions of interest to pupils. 
  • Study the beliefs, festivals and celebrations of Christianity. 
  • Study at least two other religions in depth. Choose from Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism or Sikhism. 
  • Study three of the major six religions not studied in depth in order to gain a brief outline. 
  • Study other religions of interest to pupils.

End of key stage expectations: showing knowledge and understanding

By the end of Key Stage 1, pupils will be able to: 

By the end of Key Stage 1, pupils will be able to

  •  Identify similarities in features of religions and beliefs. 
  •  Retell religious, spiritual and moral stories. 
  •  Identify possible meanings for stories, symbols, and other forms of religious expression. 
  • Identify how religion and belief is expressed in different ways.


  • Explore, gather, select and organise ideas about religion and belief. 
  •  Investigate and describe similarities and differences within and between religions and beliefs. 
  • Comment on connections between questions, beliefs, values and practices, drawing on key text when appropriate. 
  • Suggest meanings for a range of forms of expression, using appropriate vocabulary. 
  • Describe the impact of beliefs and practices on individuals, groups and communities, locally, nationally and globally.

End of Key Stage expectations: expressing ideas, beliefs and insights

By the end of Key Stage 2, pupils will be able to

By the end of Key Stage 2, pupils will be able to: 

  • Respond sensitively and imaginatively to questions about their own and others’ ideas, experiences and feelings. 
  •  Ask questions about their own and others’ ideas, feelings and experiences. 
  • Give a reason why something may be valued by themselves and others. 
  • Recognise that some questions about life are difficult to answer.


  • Investigate and describe how sources of inspiration and influence make a difference to themselves and others. 
  • Apply ideas and reflections to issues raised by religion and belief in the context of their own and others’ lives. 
  • Suggest what might happen as a result of their own and others’ attitudes and actions. 
  •  Suggest answers to some questions raised by the study of religions and beliefs.

Curriculum Breadth Maps (topics) - Intent

Milestone 1 Curriculum Map

Milestone 2 Curriculum Map

Milestone 3 Curriculum Map

How we Implement our Curriculum

Religious Education is taught fortnightly for 45 minutes.  We do not block our subjects as we want children to return regularly to the subject knowledge and concepts in order that they are regularly retrieving the tuaght knowledge and concepts, embedding these in their long term memory.  This enables them to make progress - know more and remember more.

Our Religious Education Policy

Example RE  lesson - Milestone 1

Example RE lesson - Milestone 2

Example RE lesson - Milestone 3

Subject Specific Vocabulary

We teach children  a rich and broad vocabulary in order that they  develop a deep understanding of the subjects they study.  We carefully select this subject vocabulary, teaching it in context.  Here is the RE vocabulary we teach in each milestone.

Milestone 1

Milestone 2

Milestone 3

Beyond the  National Curriculum - Cultural Capital Experiences 

Cultural capital is the essential knowledge that children need to prepare them for their future success. We want to ensure that children at Globe have a wide and varied range of experiences as they progress through our school. We want them to know about their world; to build a schema of knowledge and to do this through first hand experiences. We intend to provide our children with opportunities to develop not just their knowledge but their interests and talents. Our aim is to prepare them for a successful future. 

Our school is in an area of high socio-economic deprivation. We are focused on addressing this disadvantage. Our curriculum is the main provider of cultural capital however there are other aspects of school life which provide essential cultural capital and should not be overlooked. We have planned the cultural provision that goes beyond the curriculum and this plan can be found below.  This plan is to capture, illustrate and to strategically plan for the breadth and range of cultural capital experiences we will provide for our children as they move through the school. We are not leaving such an essential element of our school’s provision to chance or individual teacher interest. When a child leaves Globe in Year 6, we will be certain of what they have learnt and experienced and know that they will be prepared for the next step in their learning and personal development.  

Globe's Whole School Cultural Capital, Trips and Experiences Plan


Our assemblies promote values which complement and reinforce all faiths; they promote positive relationships, tolerance and self-awareness as well as significant events from a range of religions. Assemblies are important social and educational occasions.  

We explore shared values through our assemblies. We also learn about the diversity of our world and learn about key events which are important to our community and country. Celebrating effort and success is also a key element of our assemblies whether that be as individuals, groups or the whole school.

We have assembly themes which encourage children to be respectful, co-operate and empathise with others.  On occasion we invite carefully selected individuals or groups to speak at our assemblies.

Our Current Assembly Plan

Other opportunities for collective worship occurs during RE and Health and Relationships Education.

We welcome parents to class assemblies and Christmas shows.  Please read our guidance for parents on filming and photography of school events here.

Here is the school’s Religious Education policy which has been agreed by the school’s Governing Body. This policy includes the parental right to withdraw children from religious education. We do not recommend withdrawal as Religious Education is vital in helping children understand the world that we live in. 

Please click to view the school’s Religious Education Policy

Collective Worship 

At Globe we gather regularly in a variety of groupings where we celebrate and reflect. 

It is an opportunity to help children to reflect on their own experiences and to recognise and celebrate the values and beliefs of the whole community, both in school and the wider world. This celebration and reflection reflects our diverse school community.  

At Globe we celebrate diversity. We are committed to preparing our children to thrive in a multi-cultural world which is rich in faiths and beliefs. Citizens of the future who are tolerant of others are being developed in our school today. 

Other opportunities for collective worship occurs during RE and HRE (Health and Relationships Education).

Curriculum and Expectation Booklets for Parents

These booklets give an overview of our Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 curriculum.  They explain what is taught in each subject area as well as outlining some of the expectations we have for children.  Parents are given these booklets at the start of each year and they are sent electronically with each term's newsletter.  

2024/2025 Curriculum Booklets (Cycle 1)

Year 1 Curriculum and Expectations Booklet for Parents

Year 2  Curriculum and Expectations Booklet for Parents

Year 3 Curriculum and Expectations Booklet for Parents

Year 4 Curriculum and Expectations Booklet for Parents

Year 5 Curriculum and Expectations Booklet for Parents

Year 6 Curriculum and Expectations Booklet for Parents

2023/2024 Curriculum Booklets (Cycle 2)

Year 1 Curriculum and Expectations Booklet for Parents

Year 2  Curriculum and Expectations Booklet for Parents

Year 3 Curriculum and Expectations Booklet for Parents

Year 4 Curriculum and Expectations Booklet for Parents

Year 5 Curriculum and Expectations Booklet for Parents

Year 6 Curriculum and Expectations Booklet for Parents