Home Learning
At Globe we call homework ‘home learning’.
As a parent or carer you play a vital role in your child’s education, including their home learning.
Learning at home is an essential part of a good education. Regular home learning is important as it gives pupils the opportunity to practise at home the tasks done in class and the children work towards improving important skills. It also encourages children to become confident and independent in their learning, which will help throughout their time at school and later, in adult life. Home learning activities are an important part of our home/school partnership. All children are expected to take part in the variety of home learning tasks set.
This is how home learning works at Globe.
Daily/Weekly Home Learning Tasks
Reading on a daily basis is expected.
From Nursery onwards children bring books home to share with parents.
When children are in Reception, they will start to bring home a ’reading book’, short books with a few words and they will work through the different stages of these reading books as their reading skills develop. This continues throughout the school. In addition to this the children also bring home a book that is beyond their reading skills so that parents can read to them and share these quality books.
As children continue to get older they should read for at least 20 minutes each night. Reading aloud with an adult is important throughout the primary years. Even if your child is a fluent reader, having a discussion about the story (for example, the characters’ personalities and actions, the ‘wow words’ used by the author) is a valuable way to develop reading skills. We ask that parents and children record what they have read in each child's reading diary.
Each year group has a set of 'Must Read' books, books which we expect all children to read. You will find a more detailed explanation on this page: Reading - Our Must Reads!
Phonics - when children are at the early stages of reading in Early Years and Key Stage 1, we ask you to practise the daily sounds as well as reading the Read, Write Inc reading books each night. Here are some materials to support this.
Number Facts
For children in Year 1 to Year 6, learning their addition facts to 20 and practising times tables is extremely important. By the end of Year 4, children should have a rapid recall of times tables facts up to the 12 times tables. They must be able to say the division facts too e.g. 7×8=56 and therefore also 56÷7=8. ‘Rapid recall’ should be within around five seconds. They should not have to count through the tables facts to get there or use their fingers! At Globe we call these facts ‘learn its’ because you just have to learn it/them!
Mathletics - Year 1 and Year 2
Each week from Y1 to Y5 some maths activities are set. These are online activities on the Mathletics. Click here to take you to the Mathletics log on page. These online maths activities are given to consolidate the maths learning that has been happening in class that week. Children also get the opportunity to practise and develop their skills and knowledge through exciting and varied games on this website. Children receive a login and this login is sent home to parents. Each year we have a meeting for parents where this is all explained and demonstrated.
All children have been given a school device, a WinBook, to use at home in order that all children can have access to this home learning platform.
Click here for a Parent Guide to Mathletics
Times Tables Rock Stars- Year 3 and Year 4
Each week, children in Years 3, and Year 4 are set 20 minutes of Times Tables Rock Stars home learning. This involves games that practise the times tables. After children have finished their home learning, they can take the opportunity to play the single-player and multi-player games for loads for fun and learning.
All children have been given a school device, a WinBook, to use at home in order that all children can have access to this home learning platform.
Click here for a Parent Guide to Times Tables Rock Stars
Manga High - Year 5 and Year6s
Manga High aims to boost fluency and understanding in different areas of maths. Manga High is an effective site for maths home learning as it personalises to the individual needs of the child. If the child gets several questions correct, the questions become harder. It is a fun and interactive site which teaches pupils to become independent learners.
Each week children in Year 5 and Year 6 are set challenges for their home learning tasks. All children have been given a school device, a WinBook, to use at home in order that all children can have access to this home learning platform.
Click here for a Parent Guide to Manga High
From Y1 onwards children are given a set of words to learn to spell each week. Learning the spellings for just a short time each day is more effective than leaving it all to the last minute. These are words which the children have been learning in spelling lessons during the previous week. Spending time on these at home will ensure that children know them really well. The children do a spelling test each week and this is sent home to parents so that you know the outcomes.
Weekly General Knowledge Quiz - Year 3,4,5 & 6
Each week a 10 question quiz is sent home to develop children's general knowledge for children in Years 3 to 6. Families can have fun together finding out the answers. The answers are returned to school, marked and there is a challenge to see which class are the best quizzers. Children complete and return their quizzes by Thursday and get a new quiz each Friday. The answers are always published in the following week's newsletter and they are shown at the weekly Headteacher assembly. It is important that children develop a wide knowledge of the world around them. We regularly have children versus staff and governor quizzes which are a lot of fun and highly competitive.
An example of a Key Stage Two quiz.
Useful Home Learning Website Links
Key Stage 1 (Year 1 and Year 2)
Year 3 and Year 4
https://classroom.thenational.academy/subjects-by-key-stage/key-stage-1 Oak Academy lessons for extra home learning
Year 5 and Year 6
https://www.mangahigh.com/en-gb/ Manga High for your child's home learning
https://classroom.thenational.academy/subjects-by-key-stage/key-stage-1 Oak Academy lessons for extra home learning
Useful Links to Other Pages on Our School Website
Guidance Leaflets/Information for Parents (Parents menu tab)
Maths Calculation Methods - Video Demonstrations (Parents menu tab)